We need your help to keep CloudSeeker going. Donate today in order to help us keep providing a better internet!
Donate!Over here, you can see our top donors. We are very thankful for them, so they are credited here!
If you want to appear here, make sure to include your CloudSeeker Account username in the donation note!
When you donate, we'll use the funds from your donation to cover server costs for our current services (including FGAnalyst and Chatrooms Hometown), and to fund any of our future endeavors (including new apps and games), and the hardware needed in order to develop them!
Currently only PayPal is available as a donation option. We'll open to more payment methods in the future, including cryptocurrencies! (Donations are handled by Theodor "PTJ" Boshkoski)
REMEMBER: In order to appear in the Top Donors section with your profile picture and CloudSeeker Account username, make sure to include your CloudSeeker Account username in the donation note! If a CloudSeeker Account username is not provided, only the provided name in the donation will be displayed.
Donate using PayPal